F7 - Monthly Reports
Monthly reports are submitted to the Catalyst Team at IOHK.
As of March 2022 they use this format.
24th March 2022
Project ID
Which fund is your challenge in ?
Fund 7
In which Challenge is your proposal? (one report per project)
Is the project still in progress / launched / complete ?
Still in Progress
Is the project on track?
If you answered No to the above question, what are the issues or blockages you are having?
Part of the F7 Proposal Scope "Oversight of the Catalyst Parameters Pilot" has been placed on hold by IOG. See Circle V3 - Meeting 2 Stand-Up by Harris (https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/catalyst-circle-oversight-v3/ccv3-meetings/meeting-2-march-17-2022#2.-circle-stand-up-13-44).
What date will you complete your project?
May 26th 2022
(Optional) Please share any suitable evidence of progress about your deliverables since last report? This could be documentation, photo or any other measurable way you feel demonstrates the impact of your project
Added link to CGO Project Management Section in "anything else you would like to share about your project?" below
Is there anything else you would like to share about your project?
Evidence & information about the progress of this project can be found here - https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/community-governance-oversight/project-management/overview
24th April 2022
Project ID
Which fund is your challenge in ?
Fund 7
In which Challenge is your proposal? (one report per project)
Is the project still in progress / launched / complete ?
Still in Progress
Is the project on track?
If you answered No to the above question, what are the issues or blockages you are having?
What date will you complete your project?
15th June 2022
How large is your community (social or otherwise) ? We are particularly interested in large, active communities with real people and engagement.
Community Governance Oversight present at Town Halls, provide updates in the IOG newsletter and uploads recordings to QADAO YouTube.
(Optional) Please share any suitable evidence of progress about your deliverables since last report? This could be documentation, photo or any other measurable way you feel demonstrates the impact of your project
Added link to CGO Project Management Section in "anything else you would like to share about your project?" below
Is there anything else you would like to share about your project?
Evidence & information about the progress of this project can be found here - https://quality-assurance-dao.gitbook.io/community-governance-oversight/project-management/overview
Notes -
Project ID (Project ID is your unique project 6 digit number - you can find it in this document under your fund tab - column B: https://bit.ly/FundedProjectsReporting *
Is the project still in progress / launched / complete ? - 'Still in progress' means that your funded project is live and ongoing, 'Launched' means you have launched the product, service or app you have developed in your funded project, 'Complete' means you have completed your funded project. If you have completed your project please be sure to submit your End of Project report and video shorturl.at/mtBZ0.
24th July 2022
I understand that information submitted in this form is shared publicly
Project ID
(Project ID is your unique project 6 digit number which starts with the fund number, e.g 7****** for Fund 7 projects - you can find it in this document under your fund tab - column B: https://bit.ly/FundedProjectsReporting *
Which fund is your challenge in?
Fund 7
In which Challenge is your proposal? (one report per project) *
Improve and Grow Auditability
Is the project still in progress / launched / complete ? *
'Still in progress' means that your funded project is live and ongoing, 'Launched' means you have launched the product, service or app you have developed in your funded project, 'Complete' means you have completed your funded project. If you have completed your project please be sure to submit your End of Project report and video shorturl.at/mtBZ0
Is the project on track? *
When is your project scheduled to complete? (This question is about understanding when you will launch/implement the solution you have developed) *
In the next month
Do you plan to launch a token? (optional)
How large is your community (social or otherwise)? We are particularly interested in large, active communities with real people and engagement. (optional)
Community Governance Oversight engages with the whole Catalyst community via Town Halls and Social Media
Please share any suitable evidence about your progress to achieve your deliverables since your last report. *
This could be documentation, photo or any other measurable way you feel demonstrates the impact of your project
A Google document with the following links was uploaded.
Project Board
Is there anything else you would like to share about your project? *
The final report is near completion.
Is there anything you would like to communicate to the Funded Proposer of Toolmakers Catalyst Circle reps to discuss in their forum?
For example articulating ideas or recommendations for improvements to the Catalyst ecosystem? *
Should this say Funded Proposer or Toolmaker reps ?
Last updated