F8 Meeting 2 -28th July 2022
Last updated
Last updated
Allison Fromm
Kenric Nelson
Matthias Sieber
Phil Khoo
Stephen Whitenstall
Tevo Saks
Vanessa Cardui
Andre Diamond
Miroslav Rajh
In August 2022 pay reminder of the research budget to Kenric (carry this action point over to next meeting)
Pay Allison $75 for Town Hall Slides X 2 ($150) in July 2022
Pay Stephen W $500 for Project Management for July 2022 (August 2022)
Stephen to do monthly report for July
Publicly-accessible register of parameter changes (raised by Thorsten) - progress on this topic is on this agenda later under “Parameter changes”
Vanessa to document George’s “categories and contributor recurring model” presentation to IOG on 22nd July
Andre & Miroslav - updates on Treasury setup, member payments, costs & expenses.
Action : pay remaining 5800 USD for research to Kenric
pay Stephen 1000 USD - PM for July and August
pay 150 USD for preparation of 2x Town Hall slides
Deliverables budgeting - All
Treasury GitHub Issues - https://github.com/Catalyst-Auditing/Community-Governance-Oversight-Coordination/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ATreasury
August 3rd allocation c. $6k dollars - remaining to research - then Stephen PM - then TH Slides
Allison - Updates on Town Hall Slides
No slides this week :)
Maybe better to do week before CGO meeting
Action - Allison to do next week
What is the scope of F8 Challenge Setting oversight ?
Issue :
Carried over from last meeting: We could add questions to Fund 9 IOG survey? (Phil). Any further thoughts on this?
Someone needs to reach out to IOG - Phil
Action - Phil to contact IOG to add Challenge setting questions to F9 IOG Survey
Question - who is working on this deliverable?
NB the need to make sure we separate oversight (including the making of recommendations) from actual engagement in work around challenge setting.
Should George be doing oversight or other CGO members participate as well
Should CGO be doing oversight of GPS ? - Vanessa
Do not think so - George
Voting process needs oversight - George
Feedback on Challenge Settings from George - Vanessa
Discussions with George - personal interest - not work - Phil
When we create proposal - allocate some portion to run categorisation challenge - bunch of names behind it - Tevo
At end of F9 we will find out which Challenges are voted for - Phil
George, Phil and Tevo working on this ?
Leave hanging until result of F9 vote - Vanessa
When proposal is close to ready - then will feedback to CGO - George
What is the scope of F8 Catalyst Circle Oversight ?
What is the scope of F8 Catalyst Circle Oversight ?
Issue : https://github.com/Catalyst-Auditing/Community-Governance-Oversight-Coordination/issues/89
Carried over from last meeting - have we decided that our main foci are
Circle compensation
CCv4 elections?
how the Circle internally is deciding things - their processand responsibilities
NB the need to make sure we separate oversight (including the making of recommendations) from actual engagement in the process.
Question - who is working on this deliverable?
Main focus of Circle is currently compensation - Kenric
Circle responsibilities - Kenric
Should Circle be doing it themselves ? - Phil
Overlap with QADAO Oversight of CC - report back to CGO - Vanessa
Kenric on CC compensation models ? - Vanessa
Yes - will account for time via CGO - I am engaged in this - Kenric
Basic instinct is to design - pushback is that this is not oversight - but intent is just to present solutions - long term view - intended to lay out important issues - document lays 3 potential processes - Kenric
Catalyst Circle Rewards Planning
Slightly out of scope - but work crossover is fine - Phil
Potential proposal to how to develop a procedure for CC compensation - Kenric
A candidate should propose what they want to contribute and its value - Kenric
When is transition to Decision making process - Phil
Should stay in Oversight - Kenric can give updates - Tevo
Look out for other governance type proposals - Vanessa
Will give feedback from CC working meeting - Kenric
Planning to move to a wider voting process - to date not a secure voting process - Snapbrilla working on solution not ready - dripdropz invited to today's CC meeting - then a possible IOG solution - Kenric
Any discussion on how that decision might be made ? Phil
Right now discussion between CC and IOG - should be a CIP process - Kenric
Why CIP ? - Allison
Not sure - is it parameter change - Kenric
Catalyst Jormnenda process - was onchain so same CIP logic would apply - Tevo
Original CC doc say sit will have oversight - Kenric
CC has been dissolved ? Because working on election - Vanessa
We do have a CC 3.1 - Kenric
issue of precedence - if previous circles have been unelected, it could happen again
meeting with Circle to discuss what our scope will be exactly? We will discuss the content of that in Discord
In progress - last meeting
dRep White Paper Working Group Meeting Tuesday, 19th July 2022 - 1700 UTC
Issue : https://github.com/Catalyst-Auditing/Community-Governance-Oversight-Coordination/issues/96
Carried over from last meeting: 3 authors actively working on drafts. 1 author to confirm - have they done so?
We are planning first draft public - will host ATH next Wednesday to present draft - Kenric
Carried over from last meeting - Participating dRep perspective (raised by Tevo) - is this in hand? Any input needed?
maybe if C4C proposal is voted, we might
No planning for dRep session - created 1 challenge - Tevo
Team will host an ATH on Aug 3 to review draft & recruit reviewers
dRep workshop postponed until August 2022 to prepare voting center - Stephen
What is the scope of F8 Governance parameters ?
Issue : https://github.com/Catalyst-Auditing/Community-Governance-Oversight-Coordination/issues/90
Register of Parameters and Google Form - Vanessa
Draft of community register of parameter changes (NB Not yet ready to be made public - comments are invited from this group) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BixYPVfyWSYIRhNK2qaRDwebZk-oCpkxfitE_U2TBL0/edit?usp=sharing
Draft of form to invite community to log parameter changes: https://forms.gle/pAtwKWpbYpjo8Dc97 (NB Not yet ready to be made public - comments are invited from this group)
When shared Google sheet draft version - several things not initiated by IOG - Tevo
store it on community sie as markdown file
Parameter Oversight meeting - 27th July 2022
Key points:
Jeremy’s decision-making tree - Stephen has messaged jeremy about it
Tevo’s ”official roles and how decentralised they are”
Phil - identifying the low-risk, high impact parameters that the community *could* take control of
Action - follow up working meeting: From Tuesday next week - Stephen
Collaborate on parameters with GPS - Allison
Invite GPS to give update on what they are doing - Phil
Should I invite GPS to parameter specific meeting - Allison
Just asking what are they doing and what kind of collaboration they envisage - Vanesa
Action - Stephen W to complete for 26th July 2022
Action - Stephen W to complete for 26th July 2022
Change cadence - this week or next week ?
Better if everyone contributes - Vanessa
Do it biweekly - Tevo
Yes - but it based on timing - Vanessa
Try to write for Friday after - Vanessa
In progress. Contributions added to final report draft
Slides being drafted