Voting results CCv3
Results of the vote for CCv3
Last updated
Results of the vote for CCv3
Last updated
The elections for CCv3 were held on 12th Feb 2022. The representatives elected are:
General ADA holders (Dimitri Fernando elected, with 57.4% of the vote)
Funded Proposers (Mercy A elected, with 70% of the vote)
Stakepool Operators (Rhys Morgan elected, with 61.8% of the vote)
Toolmakers and Maintainers (Joey Chessher elected, with 50% of the vote)
Community Advisors (Nadia Hopkins elected, after a run-off. Nadia Hopkins and Filip Blagojevic tied in the first vote; and in the run-off, Nadia was elected with 55% of the vote)
Catalyst Circle additionally includes 2 representatives who are appointed by their organisations, rather than elected:
from IOG (Harris Warren continues in the role)
from the Cardano Foundation (Bullish Dumpling has been appointed to the role, replacing Matthias Sieber).
3 people stood for election to the role. Dimitri Fernando was elected.
3 people stood for election to the role. Mercy A. was elected.
5 people stood for election to the role. Rhys Morgan was elected.
3 people stood for election to the role. Joey Chessher and Aharon Porath received an equal share of the vote; they decided that they would prefer for Joey Chessher to take the seat, so Aharon stood down and Joey was duly elected.
3 people stood for election to the role. Nadia Hopkins and Filip Blagojevic went forward to a run-off vote; and in the run-off, Nadia Hopkins was elected.
Cardano Ambassador Bullish Dumpling was appointed.
Harris Warren will continue in the role.