March 10th, 2022

Discussion Merge F7+Funded and F8 Unfunded proposers and work with them as a team together?

Source :

1 - Do we want to blend CT’s:

Agreement: Yes, The F8 Challenge Team is happy to blend F7/F8 and also work on F9 Challenge Setting brief

2 - About the data – can we share it?:

Action: Jo to email Danny to ask if he has permission to process the data in the context of what we are doing.

Action: Share response from Danny with Thorsten/Stephen

Action: Jo. Email proposers to ask to share the data with a specific person on blended CT.

3 - How do we communicate with F7 Funded proposal teams

How do we communicate with those F7 Funded proposal teams:

Follow guidelines for communicating with Challenge Teams.

Stephen – Should presentations be private or public?

Agreement: Private

Jo – Should we do these 1 on 1?

Agreement: 1-on-1.

Stephen – Each of us is a ‘mentor’ if we wish.

Thorsten – Challenge teams are the reporting channel.

Stephen – What kind of report are we going to produce?

Jo – Do we need to agree what kind of questions we pose so we have data

which is consistent?

Vanessa – Are the challenges all over 3 months, because if they are lasting

longer it makes it challenging to report… Suggestion 1 : If the proposal is going to last longer than 3 months, provide an interim report?

Vanessa – We are reporting back on the ‘Challenge’. Does this change the


Stephen – Suggestion 2 ; In 3 months, this is what happened in relation to

the challenge.

3 - Questions for funded proposers:

Thorsten – Summary – What have you done, what are you doing, what are your blockers?

  1. What is about? (first time only)

  2. How helpful is the challenge brief? (first time only)

  3. Help me understand how your proposal contributes to the challenge?

  4. Have you started?

  5. What’s the current status?

  6. Problems/delays/issues?

  7. What have you learnt?

  8. Are you on track to deliver?

  9. Is this ending in 3 months?

Agreement: Each of us collects this data and information from the 1-to-1’s.

Stephen – Suggestion 3 ; This Challenge team takes a ‘setting best practice approach’ “this is how auditability challenge teams work”.

4 - How do we communicate with those F8 proposers:

Action: Stephen to draft something and post in telegram a sentence for each submitted F8 proposal. Post that under real proposals.

“We are the auditability challenge team and here are some contacts for you to reach out too.”

5 - Next week there is a round-table about Challenge Teams.

To be raised at round-table:

1) Timing (length of time the proposals are going to take to implement) is a challenge. Do we need a built in end-date.

2) How is the challenge team resourced is a challenge if the proposals go longer.

6 - Reporting Challenge Teams.

a) We need to think about how we bring this information together.

b) Objective of reporting?

Table for next agenda: What is it we as a CT are actually achieving for the community?

Action: Jo to set up recurring appointments. Bi-weekly this time 1800UTC. Leave it named F7 for now (to be coordinated not to clash with Audit Circle or Community Governance Oversight – timing/dates of which are being confirmed).

Notes from previous Challenge Team communications

We are being tasked with presenting the challenge (during the INNOVATION phase), onboarding and building some rapport with funded-teams (at the start of EXECUTION phase) so you are in a position to report the outcomes to the community in 3 months time (POST-EXECUTION)

Key to this pilot is that Challenge Teams are able to help maximize the impact of the challenge and surface outcomes of the funded-projects.

Whether you believe the challenge is being successfully addressed during the scope of your engagement.

Payment is contingent on completion of the following three deliverables.

Key Deliverables

1. Town Hall Presentation (Fund Launch) - 2 hours

2. Cohort Onboarding (Execution Phase) - 3 hours

3. ROI Retrospective (Post Execution) - 15 hours

You should consider yourselves to be a support to the teams, and if you choose to participate in more of a mentoring capacity then that is up to you. Teams may feel more comfortable with explaining the issues or kinks in the road to project completion with you once you’ve built some rapport. After all - we’re all working towards common goals!

Each challenge should have its own ‘health metrics’ or key performance indicators to measure whether or not the challenge is on track to achieve the return on intention the challenge initially set out to address.

Challenge Teams may be the ones to define KPIs or at least review whether or not the outcome metrics and indicators are appropriate to the challenge.

If there is an issue or anything the Challenge Teams want to share with the Catalyst Team

Challenge Team reporting format

  • Specify which project and which report there is an issue or success

  • Who are you (name/company if applicable) and connection to project

  • Specifically what the issue is and why it is an issue

  • What does the reporter think needs to be done

  • Is the action required URGENT?

  • Is there anything else you would like us to know about?

  • Is the current team in need of additional resources to achieve goal

  • What are the current teams standings to achieve goal? Do they have resources or documents to back up proof or work and concept? Yes/No

  • Will the Team Scale or stay centralized is the proposal open source?

  • Planning and growth- Show implementation of plan or steps towards the goal for clarity and proof.

  • If team members or resources yet to be defined. Type of skills needed/Misc funds needed.

  • Concise understanding of technical aspects or clear request for assets of this type

  • Risk management assessment

What applications will provide the most Value?

Why is this Important?

Quality Decentralized applications and Integrations will increase utility and adoption of Cardano Network.::: Not addressing this challenge will slow down adoption from end users and developers.

What would be good outcomes?

-Novel and viable applications get built on top of Cardano attracting users.

-Integrations manage to pull in more adoption.

What do good solutions look like?

-Applications that deliver the highest amount of value with the least amount of technical sophistication.

-Applications that are most profitable and in demand.

Who stands to benefit most from the challenge being addressed?

-Developers and end users benefit equally when addressing these challenges.

Dapps and Intergrations – CT Survey

Dapps and Intergrations – CT Survey of proposers/response/analysis Example:

02 Feb, 05:10

Proposals which are engaged and impactful.

Give criteria where you assess proposals.

Check if things change and give feedback that can be used.

Check back on feedback loops and rewards for helping community proposals. .

Assessment stage. Create something to build system and overall system to help the people who are contributing.

Check on feedback loops.

Finalization date and ratings are needing adjustments.

Helps in iteration station stages. Good in catalyst in early practice.

Room to gamify stages.

Get people drawn in with more incentives at each stage.(Lifeproof-Work)

Easy roadmap for onboarding.

Catalyst and onboarding meetings.

Sharing load to focus on proposals.

Easy onboarding into gameify positions in catalyst.

People will adapt and scale in roles- important to help with onboarding attitude. Temples.

Patterns to duplicate

Templates to move forward.

Sharing becomes the most valuable piece.

Sharing and connection.

Last updated